Fondi di deposito per ogni stato
Scritto da Massimiliano Brasile
Segue la lista dei fondi di deposito per ogni stato.
Come segue gradite segnalazioni per suggerimenti e errori!
- Albania Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency
- Argentina Seguro de Depositos Sociedad Anonima
- Armenia Armenian Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Austria Austrian Bankers’ Association
- Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Deposit Insurance Fund
- Bahamas Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Bahrain Deposit Protection Scheme
- Bangladesh Central Bank of Bangladesh
- Belgio Protection Fund for Deposits and Financial Instruments
- Bosnia e Herzegovina Deposit Insurance Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Brasile Fundo Garantidor de Creditos
- Canada Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Canada (Quebec) Autorite des marches financiers
- Cile Central Bank of Chile
- Colombia Fondo de Garantias de Instituciones Financieras
- Croazia State Agency for Deposit Insurance and Bank Rehabilitation
- Cipro Deposit Protection Scheme
- Republica Ceca Deposit Insurance Fund
- Danimarca The Guarantee Fund for Depositors and Investors
- Equador Corporacion del Seguro de Depositos
- El Salvador Instituto de Garantia de Depositos
- Estonia Guarantee Fund
- Federazione Russa Deposit Insurance Agency
- Finlandia Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Francia Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Germania Association of German Banks
- Gibilterra Gibraltar Deposit Guarantee Board
- Grecia Hellenic Deposit and Investment Guarantee Fund
- Hong Kong Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board
- Islanda Depositors’ and Investors’ Guarantee Fund
- India Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
- Indonesia Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Irlanda Irish Deposit Protection Scheme
- Isola di Man Depositors’ Compensation Scheme
- Italia Interbank Deposit Protection Fund
- Giamaica Jamaica Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Giappone Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan
- Giordania Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Deposit Insurance Fund
- Kenya Deposit Protection Fund Board
- Corea Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Kuwait Central Bank of Kuwait
- Lettonia Financial and Capital Market Commission
- Libano National Deposit Guarantee Institution
- Liechtenstein Deposit Guarantee Scheme
- Lituania Deposit and Investment Insurance
- Lussemburgo Deposit Guarantee Association
- Macedonia Deposit Insurance Fund
- Malesia Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Malta Depositor and Investor Compensation Schemes
- Messico Institute for the Protection of Bank Savings
- Moldavia Deposit Guarantee Fund in Banking System
- Montenegro Deposit Protection Fund
- Marocco Bank Al-Maghrib, Fonds Collectif de Garantie des D?p?ts
- Olanda De Nederlandsche Bank
- Nicaragua Fondo de Garant?as de Dep?sitos de las Instituciones Financieras
- Nigeria Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Norvegia Norwegian Banks’ Guarantee Fund
- Perù Fondo de Seguro de Dep?sitos
- Filippine Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Polonia Bank Guarantee Fund
- Portogallo Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Regno Unito The Financial Services Compensation Scheme
- Romania Deposit Guarantee Fund in the Banking System
- Serbia Deposit Insurance Agency
- Singapore Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Slovacchia Deposit Protection Fund
- Slovenia Deposit Guarantee Scheme
- Spagna Guarantee Funds for Deposits Held by Credit Institutions
- Sudan Bank Deposit Security Fund of Sudan
- Svezia Deposit Guarantee Board
- Svizzera Swiss Bankers Association
- Taiwan Central Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Tanzania Deposit Insurance Board
- Trinidad e Tobago Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Turchia Savings Deposit Insurance Fund
- USA Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Ucraina Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Ungheria National Deposit Insurance Fund
- Uruguay Bank Saving Protection Superintendency
- Uzbekistan Citizens’ Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund
- Venezuela Fondo de Garant?a de Dep?sitos y Protecci?n Bancaria
- Vietnam Deposit Insurance of Vietnam
- Zimbabwe Deposit Protection Board